The HOW SAFE Is Your Electric System program is designed to illustrate the importance of effective inspection programs and outline their key attributes. This series highlights a variety of conditions encountered when conducting line, substation or equipment inspections. Lessons learned from electric contact incidents when deficiencies were not identified and addressed are also covered.
The presentations are advisory in nature and are offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance and loss control advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. They are intended only as an overview, and are not intended as a definitive statement of the law in any jurisdiction or a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for legal, engineering or other professional advice of any kind. The presentations are provided without any warranties of any kind and no liability is assumed by reason of the information contained herein. The views and opinions expressed by any third party participants are solely their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of AEGIS.
Associated Electric & Gas Insurance Services Limited (“AEGIS”) is a Bermuda insurer and eligible surplus lines insurer in the United States with additional qualifications in other jurisdictions. AEGIS’s operations are conducted through a wholly-owned subsidiary, AEGIS Insurance Services, Inc. (“AISI”), which provides AEGIS and its affiliates with professional staff and services. This presentation is the property of AISI and is not to be shared, published or distributed without the prior written consent of AISI. (Ed. 03/2023)