Our Mission Statement
To assure utility and related energy industry members consistently superior insurance and risk management services through a secure and stable market enabling members to achieve the lowest overall long-term cost of risk.
AEGIS is a leading mutual insurance company that provides liability, property and Directors & Officers coverage, as well as related risk management services, to the energy industry. Our policyholders represent virtually the entire energy infrastructure in North America, including electric and natural gas utilities, exploration and production companies, water utilities, and transmission & distribution companies.
Our energy expertise, combined with a collaborative and fair approach to claims management and specialized loss control services, has set AEGIS apart from commercial insurance companies since the company was founded by its policyholder-members in 1975. AEGIS has continued to provide stable capacity and collaborative claims paying for more than 40 years – despite events such as the Superfund in the 1980s, the meltdown of Enron, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Hurricane Katrina and Superstorm Sandy.
AEGIS tailors many types of liability and property coverage to match the individual needs of our policyholders and we offer primary coverages through an alliance with Everest National as well as side-A directors and officers liability coverage through an alliance with Sompo.
Our main office is in East Rutherford, New Jersey where we employ a professional staff of more than 200. AEGIS is the parent company of AEGIS London, which operates Syndicate 1225 at Lloyd's of London. The syndicate offers specialist knowledge, expertise and leadership for energy companies as well as a wide range of non-energy classes traditionally written in the Lloyd's market. AEGIS also has licensed operations throughout Canada.
The company’s premium revenues are $2.1 billion and total assets are more than $9.4 billion. Additional details of our financial performance can be found in our recent annual report.
AEGIS enjoys an A.M. Best rating of A (Excellent) with a stable outlook.
AEGIS (Associated Electric & Gas Insurance Services Limited) is owned by its policyholder-members and is registered as a Class 3 non-assessable mutual insurance company in Bermuda. AEGIS is an eligible surplus lines insurer in all jurisdictions in the United States, a licensed foreign insurance company throughout Canada, and a registered foreign reinsurer in Mexico. AEGIS Insurance Services, Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary providing professional staff and services to AEGIS.