AEGIS Loss Control is pleased to announce its latest webinar, Emergency Response Plans for Power Generating Assets on Wednesday, February 5, from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
Emergency response plans for power generation facilities are essential for minimizing damage risk and ensuring operational continuity. With the renewable energy sector supplying more electricity to our nation's grid, a variety of advanced technological equipment is now in use at generation sites, highlighting the critical need to review and update emergency response protocols. Join us for an insightful overview of the key considerations for creating and updating power generation emergency response plans presented by one of the industry’s foremost experts.
Who Should Attend
Risk management and power plant employees, along with those responsible for developing and implementing emergency response plans for renewable power generation assets, would greatly benefit from attending this critical webinar.
What is Covered
This webinar will provide valuable insight into elements to consider when evaluating, updating and creating new emergency response plans to ensure the safety of increasingly advanced renewable generation assets at power generation sites.
About the Presenter
Tony Natale is an emergency management professional with over 30 years of experience managing incidents within the utility, petroleum and hazmat transportation sectors. Tony has been responsible for the development of the FDNY’s Utility Hazards curriculum for the past two decades. He has expanded his training curriculum to accommodate requests from city, state and federal partners to enhance their knowledge of grid stability, hazards, environmental impact, and terrorist attacks. Tony has performed training with FDNY, NYPD, DHS, CISA, ICE, NERC, FBI, Secret Service, USCG and Marine Corps Chemical & Biological Incident Response Force.
As the Director of Risk and Response for the Fire & Risk Alliance, Tony’s team evaluates client projects within the spectrum of petroleum/chemical, utility and battery energy storage to identify and mitigate risk through administrative and engineering controls.
These assessments are compiled into response plans that provide guidance on managing these low-frequency high-hazard events. Response plans serve as the foundation for the training curriculum that FRA develops for clients and members of the first response community.
Register Today
For more information or to register for this webinar, contact Michelle Battagliese by e-mail or at 201.508.2855.
About AEGIS Loss Control Webinars
AEGIS Loss Control is proud to host a series of webinars focusing on electric, natural gas, water and renewable operations, as well as on fire protection and generation stations. Risk managers and member company employees who work in safety, engineering and operations roles can attend from the convenience of their homes or offices. Click here to be alerted to our upcoming webinars or to access past webinars posted on our website.