Transformer asset monitoring continues to benefit from advances in technology. Systems can automatically download summary and statistical data, alarm status information, and other information for historical data and trending. They can also be useful in alerting the appropriate entity in case of an alarm or emergency.
This webinar will focus on monitoring power transformers and their bushings using acoustic emission technology and dissolved gas analysis.
The webinar will be presented by Arturo Núñez, Senior Manager of Asset Monitoring at the MISTRAS Group. Arturo is certified Level III in Acoustic Emission and he is an active member of IEEE and CIGRE. He has more than 23 years of experience using acoustic emission to assess the condition of power equipment to detect electrical, thermal and mechanical defects. He was the principal investigator on the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) research project “Development of a new acoustic emission technique for the detection and location of gassing sources in power transformers and LTCs, Phases I, II and III”. Before assuming his current position, Arturo worked as a Research Engineer at the Electrical Research Institute of Mexico. He earned his degree in Power Engineering from the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico. In 1999, he was awarded first place in a national thesis contest for his work on the application of the acoustic emission technique in power transformers. Arturo has been the project manager on hundreds of projects for condition assessment and monitoring of different assets, including transformers, bridges, wind turbines, pipes and vessels.