All natural gas utilities receive reports of natural gas leaks or odors, broken or blowing mains or services from excavation activities, and other emergencies such as fires or explosions. Utility company first responders are dispatched immediately to evaluate situations, while always keeping in mind their primary responsibility is to protect life and property.
This webinar will review the New Jersey Natural Gas Company’s effort to protect company personnel at emergency locations. The utility redesigned its Leak Scene Management Plan as a Leak Scene Safety Plan (LSSP). The LSSP details areas such as setting priorities, communications, gathering information, scene size up, safety zones, shielding, dealing with a hazardous structure and overall accountability. This plan is just one of the changes made in dealing with local emergency service providers. Outreach programs to the local fire and police departments have increased and they are now actively involved in the company’s emergency exercises.
LSSP training is an annual requirement for all company personnel who are involved in responding to emergencies, including field dispatch, company first responders and field employees. Field employees who do not respond directly to emergencies are also included because they sometimes find themselves at an emergency scene. The LSSP puts field employees at the top of the priority list and it has prescriptive requirements to ensure their safety is always considered when making critical decisions in the field.
The webinar will be presented by Joe Morello and John Murphy from New Jersey Natural Gas Company. Joe Morello has been with the company for 26 years and is currently the Manager of Training. Previously, he served as a Technical Training Consultant, Appliance Service Supervisor following his time as an Appliance Serviceman. John Murphy has been with the company more than 30 years and currently works in the Training Department as a Technical Training Consultant. Prior to moving to the Training Department, John was assigned as a First Responder and a Distribution Mechanic for 27 years.