AEGIS Loss Control conducts Electric and Natural Gas Incident Investigation Workshops for AEGIS member company personnel.
Electrical Incident Investigation Workshops
These day-and-a-half training workshops provide AEGIS members with information needed to properly investigate incidents involving inadvertent or intentional contact with energized electric utility equipment and power lines. Attendees will learn about the objectives of investigations, determining the causes of incidents, conducting witness interviews, National Electrical Safety Code clearance rules, and the importance of properly collecting, documenting and retaining evidence.
The workshop is valuable to AEGIS member company personnel from operations, claims, engineering and safety. The program is particularly beneficial for those who are responsible for field incident investigations, including operations supervisors, T&D engineers, claims investigators and safety professionals. Currently scheduled for-fee workshops are listed in the events section of this website.
Natural Gas Incident Investigation Workshops
These one-day training workshops provide the information needed to help in the proper investigation of natural gas-related incidents. Participants will learn the objectives of a detailed investigation, the types of evidence to look for and document, sample collection methods, instrumentation and the actions that gas company personnel should take upon arrival at an incident scene.
AEGIS member company personnel from operations, compliance, claims, safety, engineering, and those involved in field investigations may benefit from attending the workshop. Currently scheduled for-fee workshops are listed in the events section of this website.